Donna Nook 2024 (about 1500 seal pups)
Donna Nook 2024 (about 1500 seal pups)
Photography museum and Swedish cake
I’ve gone for a full set for the i4.. which means I can clean and coat the BMW ones 😃
Had a couple of days relaxing with great musicians. Such a nice festival in Newport witha mixture of music.
Had an interesting time preparing GPS systems for their Icelandic winter
Using the famous 7.9GB bluemarble image – I ran the vips-bench on my 12 core AMD 7900X to see how linear the speedup is with threads/cores – it speeds up well to 12 threads – but is really at full speed with only 8. What should be amazing is that we can process these huge files in only 5s !
System has 32GB DDR5 and was reading/writing to files in /tmp. I used a 3s pause between deleting output and running next thread-count.
This is my personal web site.
It doesn’t have much in it yet as I am so busy!
Also testing bbpress forum