
I was fortunate to help out Softwarica/Coventry Computer Science in Kathmandu in 2019. Here are some photos of that trip

with the team from Coventry and Softwarica
view of Kathmandu valley from the air
tasty food on a rooftop restaurant – biggest paneer I had ever seen!
birds at sunset – the roofs of most buildings have large water storage units – water is scarce in Kathmandu (mostly from bore-holes) despite its abundance in the mountains
one of the old PC rooms – being replaced soon
multi-purpose mains socket! I was well equiped with adaptors but rarely needed them
cabling in the streets is chaotic. When I took this photo I didn’t realise it showed all the ads for educational programmes
The Yak and Yeti Hotel – very luxurious way to stay in Kathmandu
View of the Himalayas on the flight home